
How to Life Coach Others, Get Out of Your Own Way and Become Successful!

Have you ever heard that phrase - "Get out of your own way?" Most people blame others for their failures when really we are usually the biggest obstacle to personal success. When I learned how to life coach others I finally learned the difference between a personality that is "meddling and controlling" and one that is encouraging others to truly find their highest potential in life in a detached and loving manner.

I used to be one of those people that found every excuse available to me not to succeed because I was brought up to believe only the worst about myself and others. I was the child of an alcoholic who died young but for years afterwards I was subjected to a lingering super-critical inner voice that told me I was not worthy of love or self-respect. I never thought in a million years I would ever be marvellous enough in any way to be of any real value as a friend, lover or parent to anyone - never mind a life coach!

After years of repeating a chronic pattern where I would choose emotionally unavailable or addicted people as friends and partners I decided I would try to change. My first attempts to raise my self-esteem were all about trying to help others who did not really want my advice or help. I would gossip and create dramas around other people's relationships because I had no life or connections of my own. My good intentions were always misunderstood and I usually ended up creating chaos and confusion in other people's lives rather than a good effect.

When I learned how to life coach I was finally able to see how I let my past cast a long depressing shadow over everything I did in my life. I learned how to parent myself with love and finally grow up to be a productive, successful individual who did not express her emotional insecurity in inappropriate ways. I stopped driving others away with my constant nagging and need for validation. I found a sense of inner worth and peace by shifting my focus from myself to helping others.

When I learned how to life coach others I stopped believing I was a statistic, participating in "woe is me" parties and trying to rescue hurtful people. I began dreaming big dreams and found good friends, a thriving career and a supportive healthy sexual relationship. I learned how to stop a toxic and damaging situation from developing before it could fully engage me in the kind of drama that used to haunt me for decades.

Today I love my career as a life coach and every single action I take has a measurable positive and practical life in my own life and the lives of others - both personal and professional!

