
Personal Success Coach

A river needs two banks to flow. It flows in a particular direction taking a specific path, failing which men are put into trouble by the floods. Similarly , the energy of our lives needs some directions to flow. Life runs with commitments. Greater the commitment you take , greater power or energy you gain to fulfill that commitment. Hence the best coach you can get to train you is yourself is you.. for there is no one knowing more about you then your very self. Here are a few tips to coach yourself to get personal success..

?Nourish your emotion. A person without emotions is like a tree without leaves, lifeless. You need to make life interesting to make people be with you. This will happen when you nurture yourself with music, prayer or service.

?Plan short and long term goals. At any given point of time, our mind is oscillating between the past and the future. Either it is angry or sad about the past or anxious about the future, whatever action you do with this state of mind, you regret some time later. This is how you get caught in the same old cycle. Plan your time , plan your future, but just don stop with that. Be a doer not just a dreamer.

?Implement changes if needed. Life is a combination of both change and non-change. So, use your intelligence and courageously implement changes when you feel that there is a need for a change.

?Do not lose friends. Mistakes keep happening all the time. Often you may want to correct them. Do not tell the tell a person a mistake he knows he has committed. A magnanimous person will not pick out the mistakes of others and make them feel guilty , he will correct them with compassion and care.

?Let be predictable.

?Have a sense of humour.

?Don be afraid to make mistakes.

?Overcome your prejudice.

?Feel that?I am blessed?br /> ?Dream the impossible.

?Compare your performance, with yourself.

?Do random acts of kindness.

All these you do goes straight to drain if you don coach yourself to learn every day. Know that you are a student forever. Do not underestimate anyone. Rise above the muck of the problem and rest the multitude of possible solutions.

